PublicationsFull texts for several publications also available here and here
Books 2023: Corporate Crime and Punishment: The Politics of Negotiated Corporate Justice in Global Markets. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. 2014: The Power of Inaction: Bank Bailouts in Comparison. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press. 2011: Le lobbying à rebours: L’influence du politique sur la stratégie des grandes entreprises. Paris: Presses de Sciences Po. Translation of Firm Interests by Isabelle Menneson. 2008: Firm Interests: How Governments Shape Business Lobbying on Global Trade. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press. Edited Volumes: 2013: Economic Patriotism in Open Economies, London: Routledge (with Ben Clift). 2004: Les usages de l’Europe : acteurs et transformations européennes. Paris: L’Harmattan (with Sophie Jacquot). Journal Articles (peer reviewed) 2016: “Politics in the Interest of Capital: A Not-So-Organized Combat,” Politics and Society, Vol. 44, No. 3, pp. 373-91. 2016: “A Symposium on Financial Power” and “A Rejoinder by the Author,” Accounting, Economics and the Law – A Convivium, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 1-4 and 85-92. 2014: “Bank Rescue Schemes in Continental Europe: The Power of Collective Inaction,” Government and Opposition, Vol. 49, No. 3, pp. 426-451. 2014: “Saving the Banks: The Political Economy of Bailouts,” Comparative Political Studies, Vol. 47, No. 4, p. 574 - 600 (with Emiliano Grossman). 2013: “The Future of International Political Economy: Introduction to the 20th Anniversary Issue of RIPE,” Review of International Political Economy, Vol. 20, No. 5, p. 1009-1023 (with Juliet Johnson, Daniel Mügge, Len Seabrooke, Ilene Gabel, and Kevin Gallagher). 2013: “Moral Categories in the Financial Crisis,” Discussion Forum with Marion Fourcade, Philippe Steiner and Wolfgang Streeck, Socio-Economic Review, Vol. 11, No. 3, p. 601-627.
2012: “Open Skies, Closed Markets: Future Games in the Negotiation of Air Transport,” Review of International Political Economy, Vol. 19, No. 5, p. 918-941. 2012: “The Brash and the Soft-Spoken: Lobbying Styles in a Transatlantic Comparison,” Interest Groups and Advocacy, Vol. 1, No. 2, p. 193–214.
2012: “Economic Patriotism: Reinventing Control Over Open Markets,” Journal of European Public Policy, Vol. 19, No. 3, p. 307-323 (with Ben Clift). 2011: “The French Debate over the Bolkestein Directive,” Comparative European Politics, Vol. 9, No. 3, p.344-366 (with Emiliano Grossman). 2010: “Using Europe: Strategic Action in Multi-Level Politics,” Comparative European Politics, Vol. 8, No. 1, p.110-126 (with Sophie Jacquot). 2008: “ Action publique européenne : les acteurs stratégiques face à l’Europe,” Politique européenne, No. 25, p. 161-192 (with Sophie Jacquot). 2007: “When Trade Liberalization Turns into Regulatory Reform: The Impact on Business-Government Relations in International Trade Politics,” Regulation and Governance, Vol. 1, No. 2, p. 121-138 (with Alvaro Artigas). 2007: “From National Champions to Global Players? Lobbying by Dominant Providers during the WTO’s Basic Telecom Negotiations,” Business and Society, Vol. 46, No. 2, p. 229-252. 2007: “Leading the Dance? Power and Political Resources of Business Lobbyists” Journal of Public Policy, Vol. 27, No. 1, p. 57-78. 2006: “National Business Associations under Stress: Lessons from the French Case,” West European Politics, Vol. 29, No. 3, p. 489-512. 2006: “Research Agenda: Lobbying in the European Union: From Sui Generis to a Comparative Perspective,” Journal of European Public Policy, Vol. 13 No. 3, p. 456-470. 2006 : “La réforme du Medef : chronique des difficultés de l’action collective patronale,” Revue française de sciences politiques, Vol. 56, No. 2, p. 255-279. 2006: “The Road to External Representation: the Commission’s Activism in International Air Transport,” Journal of European Public Policy, Vol. 13 No. 1, p. 52-69. 2005 : “Vers des compétences externes : l’activisme de la Commission en matière d’aviation internationale,” Politique européenne, No. 17, p. 137-158. 2005: “Europe and the Transformation of French Policy-Making: A Cross-sectoral Approach,” Zeitschrift für Staats- und Europawissenschaften, Vol. 3 No. 3, p. 388-409. (with Richard Balme).
2003: “Usage of European Integration – Europeanisation from a Sociological Perspective,” European Integration online Papers (EIoP) Vol. 7 No. 12 (with Sophie Jacquot).
Book contributions 2017: “State Action in Financial Times,” in Patrick Le Galès and Desmond King (eds.) Reconfiguring European States in Crisis. Oxford: Oxford University Press, p.201-214. 2016: “Evolutionary Dynamics in Internal Market Regulation in the European Union,” in Orfeo Fioretos, Tulia G. Falleti, and Adam Sheingate (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Historical Institutionalism. Oxford: Oxford University Press, p.504-516 (with Mark Thatcher). 2013: “The State: The Bête Noire of Neo-Liberalism or its Greatest Conquest?” in Vivien Schmidt and Mark Thatcher (eds.) Resilient Liberalism in Europe’s Political Economy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, p.112-141 (with Vivien Schmidt). 2013: “Global Companies as Agenda-Setters in the World Trade Organization,“ in John Mikler (ed.) Handbook of Global Policy: Global Companies. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 257-271. 2012: “EU Foreign Economic Policy: How Much Power for the Lobbyists? The Autonomy of EU Institutions,” in Andreas Dür and Hubert Zimmermann (eds.) Key Controversies in European Integration. London: Palgrave. 2012: “The Revival of Economic Patriotism,” in Glenn Morgan and Richard Whitley (eds.), Capitalisms and Capitalism in the 21st Century. Oxford University Press, p. 70-90 (with Ben Clift). 2012: “The Defense of Economic Interests in the European Union: A Strategic Analysis of Hedge Fund Regulation,” in Renate Mayntz (ed.) Crisis and Control: Institutional Change in Financial Market Regulation. Frankfurt a.M.: Campus, p. 195-209. 2011: “Who Scripts European Trade Policies? Business-Government Relations in the EU-Canada Partnership Negotiations,” in Kurt Hübner (ed.) Europe, Canada and the Comprehensive Economic Partnership, London: Routledge, p.41-58. 2010: “Firm Interests in Uncertain Times: Business Lobbying in Multilateral Service Liberalization,” in Rawi Abdelal, Mark Blyth und Craig Parsons (eds.) Constructing the Political Economy, Cornell University Press, p. 137-154. 2009: “La politique de la concurrence,” in Renaud Dehousse (ed.) Politiques européennes, Paris: Presses de Sciences Po, p.173-188. 2009: “Who Captures Whom? Trade Policy Lobbying in the European Union,” in David Coen and Jeremy Richardson (eds.), Lobbying in the European Union: Institutions, Actors and Issues, Oxford: Oxford University Press, p. 268-288. 2008: “The Demise of Statism? Associations and the Transformation of Interest Intermediation in France,” in Andrew Appelton, Sylvain Brouard, Amy Mazur (eds.) Beyond Stereotypes: The French Fifth Republic at Fifty. Palgrave, p. 226-244. 2008: “Les stratégies des pays émergents à l’Organisation mondiale du commerce,” in Christophe Jaffrelot (ed.) L'enjeu mondial : Les pays émergents. Paris: Presses de Sciences Po, « Annuel du CERI », p. 273-286.
2008: “Les groupes d’intérêt: l’action collective en Europe,” in Céline Belot, Paul Magnette et Sabine Saurugger (eds.), Science politique de l'Union européenne, Paris: Economica, p. 223-248 (with Sabine Saurugger). 2008: “Service Trade Liberalization and Corporate Lobbying in the US and the EU,” in William Genieys and Marc Smyrl (eds.), Elites, Ideas and the Evolution of Public Policy, New York: Palgrave Macmilian, p. 54-66. 2007: “Regulation,” in Mark Bevir (ed.), Encyclopedia of Governance, Vol. II, London: Sage Publications, p. 813-816. 2007: “L’européanisation et les acteurs non étatiques,” in Bruno Palier, Yves Surel, et al., L’Europe en action : analyses de l’européanisation, Paris : L’Harmattan, p. 145-191. 2006: “Lobbying und Interessenvertretung,” in Werner Weidenfeld und Wolfgang Wessels (eds.), Jahrbuch der europäischen Integration, Baden-Baden: Nomos, p. 173-177. 2005: “France: Between Integration and National Sovereignty,” in Simon Bulmer and Christian Lequesne (eds.), Member States and the European Union, Oxford: Oxford University Press, p. 97-118 (with Richard Balme).
2004: “Régulation,” in Laurie Boussaguet, Sophie Jacquot and Pauline Ravinet (dir.), Dictionnaire des politiques publiques, Paris : Presses de Sciences Po, p. 377-384. 2004: “Usages et travail politiques : une sociologie compréhensive de l’intégration européenne,” 1-27, and « Conclusion », 293-296, in Les usages de l’Europe : acteurs et transformations européennes. Paris: L’Harmattan (with Sophie Jacquot). Working Papers 2022: "Corporate Prosecutions: American Law Enforcement in Global Markets" LawFin Working Paper No. 31. 2021: “The Political Economy of Law Enforcement” MaxPo Discussion Paper, No. 21/1, 2021 (with Matias Dewey and Lucas Ronconi). 2020: “European Strategic Autonomy in 2020,” Groupe d’études géopolitiques, Working Paper 10, December (with Alberto Alemanno et al.). 2018: „On the Role of the Social Sciences: What Crisis Are We Facing?“ in Jenny Andersson and Olivier Godechot (eds.) Destabilizing Orders: Understanding the Consequences of Neoliberalism. Proceedings of the MaxPo Fifth-Anniversary Conference, MaxPo Discussion Paper No. 18/1, p.105-7. 2015: “Politics in the Interest of Capital: A Not-So-Organized Combat,” MaxPo Discussion Papers 15/2. 2013: “Moral Categories in the Financial Crisis,” MaxPo Discussion Papers Vol. 13, No. 1 (with Marion Fourcade, Philippe Steiner, and Wolfgang Streeck). 2012: “Saving the Banks: The Political Economy of Bailouts,” Open Forum Paper Series, No. 7, Center for European Studies, Harvard University (with Emiliano Grossman). 2011: “Beyond Ideological Battles: A Strategic Analysis of Hedge Fund Regulation in Europe,” Les Cahiers européens de Sciences Po, 02/2011. 2006: “Trade Policy Lobbying in the European Union: Who Captures Whom?” MPIfG Working Paper, 06/7. 2005: “The Difficult Organisation of Business Interests: MEDEF and the Political Representation of French Firms,” MPIfG Discussion Paper, 05/12. 2005: “Learning to Act on World Trade: Preference Formation of Large Firms in the Unites States and the European Union” MPIfG Discussion Paper, 05/01. 2003: “Transatlantic Relations as a Catalyst to European Integration: The Activism of the European Commission in the Case of International Aviation," AICGS Policy Paper, Washington D.C., 11 June. Essays and other writings 2019: "Corporate Power Beyond Lobbying" American Affairs Journal, Vol. III, No. 3, Fall 2019, p.38-55. 2019: “Corporate Tax Justice” G7 Magazine: Global Briefing Report, Biarritz, France 24-26 August. 2014: “Myths and Realities of the Banking Lobby,” World Politics Review, July 1, p. 1-5. 2014: „Curtailing Capture through European Banking Union: A Note of Caution“ SAFE Policy Center, Policy Letter No. 27. 2013: « Lobbies et groupes d’intérêt » Question internationales, no. 63 (septembre), Paris : La Documentation française, p. 53-55. 2013: „The Power of Banks“ SPERI Comment, 25 July. 2011: “Wer rettet die Banken? Staatliche Nothilfe im internationalen Vergleich” Jahrbuch des Max-Planck-Instituts für Gesellschaftsforschung, Köln: MPIfG, p.19-26. 2007: « L’Initiative européenne pour la transparence: Quelle réglementation pour le lobbying à Bruxelles? » Kiosque du CERI. 2006: “Herrschaft der Lobbyisten in der Europäischen Union?” Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte (APuZ), No. 15-16, p. 33-38. 2005: “Lobbying in Brüssel: amerikanische Verhältnisse?” Jahrbuch des Max-Planck-Instituts für Gesellschaftsforschung, Köln: MPIfG, p. 57-62. 2003: “The United States and the Franco-German couple” Commentary Series, American Institute for Contemporary German, Washington D.C..
Reviews 2014: “Giorgio Riello - Cotton : The Fabric that Made the Modern World,” RIPE Reads, Review of International Political Economy, Vol. 21, No. 5, p.1133-1135. 2010 : « L’Europe : une machine à libéraliser ? », Lecture croisée de Nicolas Jabko, L’Europe par le marché, et de François Denord et Antoine Schwartz, L’Europe sociale n’aura pas lieu, Politique européenne, no. 31, p. 215-220. 2008 : Lecture critique d’Aurélie Campana, Emmanuel Henry et Jay Rowell (dir.), La construction des problèmes publics en Europe: émergence, formulation et mise en instrument, Politique européenne, no. 24, p. 151-153. 2008: Lecture critique de Pierre Berthaud et Gérard Kébabdjian (dir.) La question politique en économie internationale, Critique internationale, no. 38, janvier-mars, p. 201-205. 2005: Lecture critique de Pierre Lascoumes et Patrick Le Galès (dir.) Gouverner par les instruments, Pôle sud, no. 23, p. 200-202. 2004: “Représentation, contrôle et légitimité démocratique dans l’Europe des vingt-cinq,” Revue française de sciences politiques, vol. 54, no. 6, p. 1030-33. Unpublished research 2004: "The Politics of Trade Preferences: Business Lobbying on Service Trade in the United States and the European Union," Ph.D. Dissertation, Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Paris and Universität zu Köln.
2001: “Le Medef et l'Europe : La mobilisation d'un acteur national au niveau européen,” Mémoire de DEA, Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris. 2000: “Deliberative Europe: The Importance of Cognitive Framing for Coordination and Integration across Policy-Areas," M.A. thesis paper, Committee on International Relations, University of Chicago. 1999: “Political Participation in the European Union,” B.A. thesis paper, Department of Political Science, University of Chicago.